Payment methods

Payment methods

Payment by credit card

To select payment for accommodation services using a card on the corresponding page of the site (booking form), you must click the "card payment" button. Payment is made through the authorization server of the processing center of the bank using bank credit cards of payment systems:

  • VISA International
  • MasterCard Worldwide
  • Мир

Description of the data transfer process

To make a payment, you must provide the details of your plastic card. Information is transmitted in compliance with all necessary security measures. Data is transmitted only to the bank's authorization server via a secure channel (SSL 3.0 protocol). Information is transmitted in encrypted form and stored only on a specialized server of the payment system.

Your sensitive data is fully protected. No one, including the reservation system, can receive them. When working with confidential data, the information security standard created by Visa and MasterCard payment systems, PCI DSS, is used. Data transfer technology guarantees security through the use of encryption protocols, Verified by Visa and Secure Code technologies.

Description of the payment process

When choosing a form of payment using a plastic card, payment for the order is made immediately after its execution. After completing the application for accommodation, click on the "Payment by card" button, and the system will switch you to the authorization server page where you will be asked to enter the plastic card data, initiate its authorization, and then return to the booking form. After you return to the booking form, the system will notify you of the authorization results. In case of authorization confirmation, your order will be automatically executed in accordance with the conditions set by you. In case of refusal to authorize the card, you can repeat the payment procedure.

When canceling an order

When canceling or shortening a reservation after payment is made, you can order another hotel service for this amount, or return the entire amount to the card by writing an email to . Refunds are made to the card with which payment was previously made. In accordance with the selected tariff, payment terms may vary. You must familiarize yourself with the information about the tariffs when choosing.

Arrival at the hotel

Upon arrival at the hotel, private individuals must present a receipt with a bank note on payment and the passport of the card holder, if payment is made by credit card.

Payment by Visa Bank Cards

We accept all types of VISA payment cards, with the exception of Visa Electron. In most cases, a Visa Electron card is not applicable for payment via the Internet, with the exception of cards issued by individual banks. You need to find out about the possibility of paying with a Visa Electron card from the issuing bank of your card.

Credit Card Payment MasterCard

All types of MasterCard are accepted for payment on the site.

Payment by Мир Bank Cards

We accept all types of Мир payment cards.

  • Your credit card number
  • expiration date of your credit card, month / year;
  • CVV code for Visa cards / CVC code for Master Card:
    3 last digits on the strip for signature on the back of the card.

If there is no CVC / CVV code on your card, then the card may not be suitable for CNP transactions (i.e., transactions in which the card itself is not present and its details are used), and you should contact the bank for detailed information information.

* Confidentiality of the provided personal information is ensured by Sberbank of Russia PJSC. The information entered will not be provided to third parties, except as provided by the laws of the Russian Federation. Bank card payments are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

LLC Sanatorium Rodina
354008, Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, ul. Grape, 33
OGRN 1022302938734
TIN 2320099560 KPP 232001001
P / S 40702810638090010961
At PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Moscow
K / s 30101810400000000225
BIC 044525225